Alcohol rehab and drug rehab in Chorley


Drug Abuse Statistics in Chorley, Lancashire

Public Health England (PHE) released the 2021 data, which revealed that alcohol caused 6,985 deaths in the UK, out of which 207 were in Lancashire. These numbers increased from 166 in 2019. The figures also indicated that alcoholism was responsible for 13 deaths out of 100,000 UK citizens. However, Lancashire had a much higher rate, with 17 deaths.

You can always find help with the UK Addiction Treatment (UKAT) rehabilitation clinics near Chorley, Lancashire. Our rehabilitation programmes offer comprehensive and holistic therapies to tackle the root of addiction.

Why Choose Oasis Runcorn for Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation near Chorley, Lancashire?

UKAT runs several rehabilitation clinics throughout the UK. These facilities are easily accessible and you can seek help for your loved ones at the nearest clinic. The well-known clinics are Banbury Lodge, Liberty House, Oasis Bradford, Recovery Lighthouse, Linwood House, Primrose Lodge and Sanctuary Lodge.

Whether you need addiction treatment or mental health support, our facilities offer comprehensive care and compassionate service through experienced professionals. Our team consists of professional therapists, chefs, managers, and support workers who work tirelessly to provide you with the best care.

We offer a safe and secure atmosphere for our clients to heal and recover. Our medical team takes you through a preliminary screening which helps us understand your addiction problem. Through this screening method, we can guide you with the best treatment plans that suit your needs.

Services offered at Oasis Runcorn near Chorley, Lancashire-

  • Low-cost treatments
  • 24hrs on-call support
  • Holistic therapy
  • Relapse prevention
  • Supervised transportation service
  • Care Quality Commission (CQC) certified treatments
  • Bespoke treatment programmes
  • 12-month free aftercare

Photos of Oasis Runcorn

Our spacious bedrooms and open areas provide an inviting environment for relaxation and reflection. The care and service provided at Oasis Runcorn has helped many clients overcome addiction. Take a look at the pictures below.

Oasis Runcorn facilities - outdoor area

Oasis Runcorn facilities - rehab therapy room

Oasis Runcorn facilities - bedroom facility

Treatment Options at Oasis Runcorn near Chorley, Lancashire

We offer world-class facilities and care to all our clients at Oasis Runcorn. Our team of medical experts and healthcare professionals have carefully curated addiction-free plans to help you achieve a fulfilling life towards wellness. Our programmes deal with drug abuse, eating disorders, alcoholism, sex addiction, prescription drugs, and gambling addiction.

Our primary rehabilitation programmes consist of the following treatments-

Verified Reviews of Oasis Runcorn near Chorley, Lancashire

We pride ourselves in assisting many clients to have a fresh start towards a healthy lifestyle. Over the years, we have improved and regenerated our methods based on the feedback provided by our clients. Let’s see what our alumni have to say:

“Had an amazing experience and feel like a new person inside and out. The team have been amazing and many of my peers will be friends forever. Group sessions provide the opportunity for sharing and feedback in a safe and understanding environment. Therapeutic sessions such as yoga and acupuncture are an added and very worthwhile bonus.”- Lisa


“Detox and thorough rehabilitation programme delivered in an understandable way which has helped me greatly.”- M001


“Overall, I have had a relaxing time here. I have found it very helpful and it was something that I needed to do. I have done medical detox before however I now realise that I needed rehab. I am now a lot calmer and accepting of the fact that I am an alcoholic. The staff are lovely, especially Jo, Rach and Lucy. I have always felt safe while being at Oasis. The groups were excellent and I have taken something away from each and every one of them. They are very helpful and insightful. I would definitely recommend this place to anyone.”- JM


Support Groups Available in Chorley, Lancashire

Private rehabilitation may not be pocket-friendly for all. Although many local groups offer addiction treatment for free. We’ve compiled a list of these resources that could help you in your journey towards recovery.

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) in Chorley, Lancashire


United Reformed Church

Hollinshead Street


Timing: 13:30 (Friday)

St Gregory Big Book

St Gregory’s Church

Weld Bank Lane


Timing: 19:30 (Saturday)

Came To Believe

St Barnabas Church

Chapel Lane



Timing: 18:30 (Wednesday)

Narcotics Anonymous (NA) in Chorley, Lancashire

The Gateway Food Bank

Friday Street



Timing: 19:15 (Thursday)

Chapel Hall

Withnell Fold

Withnell, Chorley


Timing: 19:00 (Tuesday)

Brazley Community Centre

Cedar Avenue

Bolton, Horwich


Timing: 19:00 (Friday)

Cocaine Anonymous (CA) in Chorley, Lancashire

Chorley CA

The Gateway

Friday Street



Timing: 19:30 (Monday)

A Bridge To Normal Living- Big Book Study

Sunshine House Community Hub

The Annex

Wellington Street



Timing: 19:30 (Thursday)

Preston CA

Ashton Methodist Church

Wellington Road




Timing: 19:30 (Wednesday)

Travelling to Oasis Runcorn from Chorley, Lancashire

Chorley is a town that falls under the Lancashire County of England. The town is 12 miles south of Preston, 8.1 miles north of Wigan, and 19.5 miles northwest of Manchester. It is well-connected to major UK cities via road, railway and waterway systems. During the 19th century, Chorley was a centre for cotton weaving and calico printing mills. It has famous landmarks such as Astley Park, Astley Hall, Heskin Hall, Leeds & Liverpool Canal, Winter Hill, Worden Park, etc.

Here’s how you can travel to Oasis Runcorn from Chorley, Lancashire-

  • By Car: Taking a car is the quickest way to travel to Oasis Runcorn from Chorley, Lancashire. The facility is 35 miles from Chorley and is easily accessible via M6. It is approximately a 1hr drive to the clinic from Chorley.
  • By Train: A train journey to Oasis Runcorn from Chorley is longer than a car ride. The average travel duration by train is around 1hr and 45 mins.

Find a Rehabilitation Centre near Chorley, Lancashire

Help is always just one call away at the Oasis Runcorn facility. It’s time to take control of your life and lead a healthy and addiction-free lifestyle. Contact our team to get started.