Fentanyl rehab

Fentanyl has become one of the most feared and deadly drugs worldwide. Its extreme potency can lead to accidental overdose and fatal consequences, especially when misused or taken without medical supervision. Fentanyl addiction can feel like a formidable challenge to overcome, but the first step towards a healthier life is acknowledging the need for help. At Oasis Runcorn, we specialise in effective fentanyl rehab and are dedicated to supporting you on every step of your journey to recovery.

What is fentanyl rehab?

Fentanyl rehab is a comprehensive, targeted form of opioid rehab designed to help individuals battling a prescription drug addiction to fentanyl. The main goal of fentanyl rehab is to help you stop using the drug, manage fentanyl withdrawal symptoms and create a life full of new opportunities.

Rehab typically involves a blend of therapies to address the physical dependence on fentanyl as well as the mental and emotional factors that contribute to addiction. Fentanyl rehab detoxes your body and also teaches you ways to change your thought patterns and habits.

The benefits of inpatient fentanyl rehab

Oasis Runcorn’s fentanyl rehab programmes are delivered as inpatient treatment. This is widely considered to be the most effective form of treatment as it offers:

  • A supportive, distraction-free environment crucial for recovery
  • The chance to focus solely on healing, away from triggers and stressors
  • Round-the-clock care ensures your safety and comfort during fentanyl detox and withdrawal
  • A team of professionals who understand your struggle and are dedicated to your recovery
  • Therapeutic support to address emotional and mental health issues

Challenges you may face in fentanyl rehab

The journey to recovery through fentanyl rehab, while an important and courageous step, is undoubtedly accompanied by a variety of challenges. Let’s explore these challenges more deeply, so you can have a clear understanding of what to anticipate and how to prepare:

  • Physical challenges: The detox and withdrawal stage of fentanyl rehab can be physically taxing, with withdrawal symptoms ranging from mild discomfort to intense pain. Remember, this temporary phase is crucial to regaining your health and breaking your physical dependence.
  • Emotional challenges: Addressing the emotions tied to your fentanyl use can be tough, and feelings of guilt, shame or anxiety may emerge. Trained therapists will guide you through these emotions, helping you develop healthier coping strategies for difficult emotions.
  • Psychological challenges: Many people struggling with fentanyl dependence also battle mental health issues. Fentanyl rehab programmes incorporate therapies like DBT to manage these co-occurring conditions.
  • Social challenges: Repairing damaged relationships, facing stigma and creating a sober support network are key social challenges in fentanyl recovery. However, these also provide opportunities for personal growth and stronger, healthier connections.
  • Lifestyle changes: Adapting to lifestyle changes can be daunting but equally rewarding as you rebuild your life after fentanyl rehab in a healthier, more fulfilling way.

While these challenges can be tough, with every challenge you overcome, you will grow stronger and gain confidence in your ability to live a life free from fentanyl.

Self-check: Do you need fentanyl rehab?

Understanding whether you or a loved one needs fentanyl rehab can be challenging. If you’re uncertain, consider the following questions:

  • Do you find it difficult to stop using fentanyl, even when you want to?
  • Are you experiencing negative consequences in your life due to fentanyl use?
  • Has your tolerance for fentanyl increased, leading you to use more of the drug?
  • Do you experience withdrawal symptoms when you stop using fentanyl?
  • Have you stopped participating in activities you once enjoyed because of your fentanyl use?
  • Are you neglecting responsibilities at work, school or home due to fentanyl use?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, it might be time to consider fentanyl rehab.

The importance of fentanyl detox

Detox is the first step in the fentanyl recovery process, which involves clearing your body of all traces of fentanyl and its toxins. Over time, fentanyl use can lead to various health complications, but fentanyl detox allows your body to heal and return to normal functioning.

During fentanyl detox, you will likely experience withdrawal symptoms that can be uncomfortable, distressing and potentially even dangerous. However, in a medically monitored fentanyl detox like the one available at Oasis Runcorn, healthcare professionals are on hand to ensure your comfort and safety.

Common fentanyl withdrawal symptoms

There are a number of fentanyl withdrawal symptoms which may emerge when you stop taking the drug. While you may not experience all of them, some of the most common include:

  • Feelings of restlessness and anxiety
  • Sweating
  • A runny nose
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • High blood pressure
  • Gastrointestinal issues like vomiting and diarrhoea
  • Muscle aches and bone pain
  • Depression
  • Strong cravings for fentanyl

The severity and range of these symptoms can vary from person to person, depending on several factors, like how long you have been taking fentanyl and your general health.

Fentanyl withdrawal timeline

Understanding more about the fentanyl withdrawal timeline can help you prepare for the process and reassure you that the process is temporary:

  • Phase one (12 – 72 hours): Early fentanyl withdrawal symptoms start to appear within 12 to 30 hours of the last dose and intensify and peak around the second or third day.
  • Phase two (day 4 – week 2): The second phase sees the gradual subsiding of the intense physical symptoms, which may take up to two weeks. However, psychological fentanyl withdrawal symptoms like anxiety, depression, and cravings may persist.
  • Phase three (weeks to months): The third phase, also known as post-acute withdrawal, can last for weeks or even months. During this period, psychological symptoms such as anxiety, depression and cravings can continue and might come and go without warning.

Remember, the experience of fentanyl withdrawal can differ greatly among individuals. Some might have a relatively short and mild withdrawal, while others might experience a longer, more severe process. Whatever your experience, your fentanyl detox team will do everything they can to help mitigate your discomfort and keep you safe.

Fentanyl rehab therapies

Fentanyl rehab isn’t solely about overcoming physical dependence—it’s equally important to address the mental health aspects of dependency. Various therapies are used in fentanyl rehab to help address these aspects, including:

  • Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT): DBT can help you manage strong emotional reactions and improve your relationships, which can be especially useful if interpersonal issues have contributed to your fentanyl use.
  • Trauma therapy: If trauma is a part of your history and has played a role in your fentanyl use, trauma therapy can help you process these experiences and reduce their hold on your life.
  • Group therapy: Group therapy is a supportive environment where you can share experiences and coping strategies. It fosters a sense of community, reduces feelings of isolation and provides a platform to practise new skills learnt in individual fentanyl rehab therapies.

Holistic therapies for growth and recovery

In unison with these traditional therapies, fentanyl rehab at Oasis Runcorn also involves a number of holistic therapies. These aim to help you improve your emotional health, boost your mood, reduce stress and improve your overall well-being. They include:

  • Mindfulness and meditation: These practices can help reduce anxiety, improve focus and promote relaxation, all of which can be highly beneficial in fentanyl recovery.
  • Yoga: Yoga can help reduce stress, quiet negative thoughts and promote a sense of calm which can help you resist cravings and prevent fentanyl relapse.
  • Art and music therapy: Expressive therapies like these can help you explore emotions associated with fentanyl use and dependence that may be difficult to express in words.

Fentanyl relapse prevention tips

Relapse is a common part of many people’s recovery journeys, but it is not unavoidable. Here are some tips to help prevent it:

Attend aftercare…

Aftercare is an essential part of maintaining your recovery long-term after you leave rehab. Oasis Runcorn provides free aftercare for a year to help support your transition back to regular life.

Practise self-care…

Regular exercise, a balanced diet, adequate sleep and stress management techniques can all help maintain your physical and mental health, making it easier to resist fentanyl cravings.

Build a support network…

Having a strong network of sober friends, family, sponsors, and therapists can provide the emotional support and accountability you need to stay sober.

Avoid fentanyl triggers…

Understanding your fentanyl triggers and having a plan in place to manage them can help prevent relapse.

Remember, if a relapse does occur that doesn’t mean you have failed. It just signals that you may need to adjust your recovery plan and reaffirm your motivation.

Begin fentanyl rehab today

Ready to reclaim control over your life? Embrace the support, therapies and compassionate care offered in our fentanyl rehab programme. Reach out to Oasis Runcorn today and embark on the journey to a healthier, more fulfilling future.

Frequently asked questions

How long do I have to stay in fentanyl rehab?
The duration of fentanyl rehab at Oasis Runcorn varies widely, depending on the severity of the individual’s dependency and overall health. We offer tailored programmes ranging from two weeks to a more extended twelve-week period, ensuring that everyone can find a suitable rehab option for their recovery timeline.
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