Lorazepam addiction

When it comes to medicine, some substances have the ability to be both a blessing and a curse. Lorazepam is a benzodiazepine that serves as the perfect example of this complex relationship. While lorazepam can be instrumental in easing anxiety, insomnia and other troubling conditions, it can also be risky to use due to its potential for addiction. By shedding light on the potential hazards associated with prescription drug addiction, Oasis Runcorn aims to raise awareness about the importance of informed decision-making, responsible usage and guidance on how you can deal with lorazepam addiction.

Lorazepam addiction - Tub of lorazepam

What is lorazepam and how does it work?

Lorazepam is a prescription medication commonly used to treat anxiety disorders, insomnia and seizures. It is available in tablet, injection and liquid form and is typically taken as needed or on a scheduled basis under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

Lorazepam works by attaching to specific receptors in the brain and enhances the effects of a neurotransmitter called GABA, which helps slow down the nervous system’s activity. This leads to a calming effect, reducing anxiety, promoting relaxation, and aiding sleep.

What is a lorazepam addiction?

A Lorazepam addiction occurs when an individual develops physical and psychological dependence on the medication. Tolerance may develop with prolonged use, requiring higher doses to achieve the desired effects. This paves the way for benzodiazepine addiction, where the body relies on the drug to function normally, and you keep taking it even though you know it is causing problems in your life.

What are the signs of Lorazepam addiction?

Lorazepam can negatively affect the body and mind in several different ways.

Physical effects of Lorazepam addiction:

  • Drowsiness
  • Slurred speech
  • Impaired coordination and balance
  • Muscle weakness
  • Blurred vision
  • Headaches
  • Stomach problems such as nausea and vomiting
  • Respiratory depression
  • Cardiac arrest

Psychological effects of Lorazepam addiction:

  • Increased anxiety and panic attacks
  • Mood swings
  • Agitation and irritability
  • Depression
  • Memory problems and confusion
  • Disorientation
  • Hallucinations
  • Delusions
  • Suicidal thoughts and behaviours

Lorazepam addiction - man feeling depressed

How can a lorazepam addiction develop?

It’s imperative to note that there is no single answer as to why addiction develops in the first place. Numerous factors contribute to the development, meaning educating yourself on as many scenarios as possible is vital. Below, we highlight some of the most common ways addiction to lorazepam can occur:

Prescription misuse…

Overuse: A Lorazepam addiction can develop when individuals take larger or more frequent doses than prescribed. This may occur if they believe the medication is ineffective or want to intensify its sedative effects.

Using another’s prescription: Using someone else’s prescription for lorazepam can lead to addiction because the medication is specifically prescribed based on an individual’s unique needs and medical history. Taking lorazepam without proper supervision can result in misuse, tolerance, dependence and potentially a cycle of addiction with harmful consequences.


Emotional distress: Some individuals may turn to lorazepam to self-medicate emotional pain. They may use the drug to cope with anxiety, depression or other mental health issues without seeking professional help.

Insomnia: Lorazepam’s sedative properties may make it appealing for individuals struggling with sleep disorders. If they start using lorazepam without a prescription or exceed the recommended dosage, they may develop a dependency over time.

Recreational use…

Seeking euphoria: Some individuals may misuse lorazepam to achieve a sense of relaxation, euphoria or intoxication. They may use it recreationally to enhance the effects of alcohol or other substances, which can quickly lead to addiction.

Peer pressure: Individuals may start using lorazepam due to social influences or pressure from friends already misusing the medication. This can create a false perception of safety or a desire to fit in with a particular group.

Underlying risk factors…

Genetic predisposition: Some individuals may have a genetic predisposition that makes them more susceptible to developing addiction. A family history of substance abuse or addiction can increase the likelihood of developing a Lorazepam addiction.

Co-occurring disorders: People with pre-existing mental health conditions, such as anxiety or depression, may be at a higher risk of developing an addiction to lorazepam. The medication’s temporary relief of symptoms may lead to dependence as they rely on it to manage their emotional well-being.

Am I addicted to lorazepam?

If you are concerned about your lorazepam use, it is important to take the time to re-evaluate your situation. Self-evaluation questions help bring awareness to patterns and behaviours that may indicate a problematic relationship with the drug. Through honest self-reflection, you can identify warning signs, triggers and potential risks associated with lorazepam addiction:

  • Have I been taking more lorazepam than prescribed or for longer than the recommended time frame?
  • Do I feel like I need lorazepam to manage my daily life or cope with stress?
  • Have I noticed any lorazepam withdrawal symptoms, such as increased heart rate, sweating, tremors or difficulty sleeping when I try to reduce or stop taking lorazepam?
  • Do I feel like I have lost control over my use of lorazepam or cannot stop using it, despite wanting to?
  • Have I neglected daily responsibilities such as work, school or family obligations due to my use of lorazepam?
  • Have I experienced any negative consequences from using lorazepam, such as accidents, relationship problems or financial difficulties?

If you have answered “Yes” to one or more of these questions, they could point to lorazepam addiction symptoms, and you should seek professional help by calling Oasis Runcorn’s admissions team today.

How can Oasis Runcorn help with a lorazepam addiction?

At Oasis Runcorn, we understand that Lorazepam addiction can be a challenging and overwhelming experience but rest assured, there are ways you can overcome this. We offer a Lorazepam addiction treatment programme that has been designed to provide optimal support for you every step of the way on your journey to recovery. Here’s what we provide to combat your issues with lorazepam:

Lorazepam detox: At our facility, Lorazepam detox is conducted under the medical monitoring of our health professionals, ensuring the safe removal of the drug from your body. We use a tapering-off method for Lorazepam to minimise withdrawal symptoms and provide comfort.

Lorazepam rehab: This is the next stage of treatment and involves multiple approaches at Oasis Runcorn. These include therapy, counselling, holistic therapies and group sessions. Our main aim is to fully educate you about your Lorazepam addiction and teach coping methods to promote a full recovery. The duration varies based on your current usage of the drug.

Lorazepam addiction - Group rehab therapy

What can I do if my loved one is addicted to lorazepam?

Watching someone you love struggle with a lorazepam addiction can be incredibly challenging. The sadness and frustration can be unbearable at times. However, trying your best to stay strong and provide emotional support is crucial. This may sound easier said than done, but by following some of our following tips, you can ensure that you’re following the right path in helping them start their road to recovery:

Educate yourself about Lorazepam addiction…

Learning more about Lorazepam addiction can help you understand the condition better and be prepared to handle it more effectively. You can read books, attend support groups (like Narcotics Anonymous) or consult with Oasis Runcorn, who can provide more information on Lorazepam addiction.

Communicate with your loved one…

Talk to your loved one about their situation without being judgmental or accusatory. Offer your support and understanding and listen to their concerns. It’s essential to approach them with empathy and let them know that you are there to help them overcome their lorazepam addiction.

Create a supportive environment…

Create a supportive environment for your loved one by removing temptations and triggers from their surroundings. Encourage them to participate in activities that promote their physical and mental well-being, such as exercise or other hobbies. Having a supportive environment can help them stay motivated during the recovery process.

Don’t enable their lorazepam addiction…

It is important to remember that enabling their addiction can only worsen the situation. You should not provide money or other resources that your loved one may use to continue their lorazepam addiction.

Practise self-care…

Taking care of yourself is equally important. Lorazepam addiction can be emotionally and mentally taxing, not just on your loved one but also on you. Practising self-care is essential to maintain your emotional and physical health. You can join a support group or a counselling programme, exercise regularly and prioritise your mental and emotional well-being.

What are the next steps?

If you or someone you know is struggling with lorazepam addiction, reaching out for help without delay is crucial. We understand the challenges you may be facing, and we are here to support you. Remember, you don’t have to let lorazepam addiction control your life any longer. You can take that critical first step toward a happier and healthier future by contacting Oasis Runcorn today.

Frequently asked questions

How long does it take to get addicted to lorazepam?
The lorazepam addiction time can vary from person to person. It depends on various factors, including individual differences, frequency and dosage. Generally, using Lorazepam regularly for an extended period, typically more than a few weeks, can increase the risk of developing a Lorazepam addiction.
How can I spot the warning signs of lorazepam abuse in my loved one?
To spot lorazepam addiction in a loved one, observe physical symptoms like drowsiness, slurred speech and changes in appetite. Look for behavioural changes such as withdrawal, mood swings and neglect of responsibilities. If you know your loved one’s prescribed dosage, you can also check to ensure they are taking the correct dosage.
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