Prescription Drug Rehab

The misuse of prescription drugs is widespread in the UK, and this prevalent problem is one that affects people from all walks of life. Prescription drug rehab offers a lifeline to those who have been trapped in the vicious cycle of substance dependency. If you are searching for a way out, Oasis Runcorn can help you overcome the cravings, regain your freedom and achieve lasting sobriety.

What prescription drugs require rehab?

Prescription drugs are often perceived as safe because of their legitimate medical uses. However, this leads to many underestimating the need for prescription drug rehab. Oasis Runcorn has experience in treating the following prescription drugs:

Amphetamine tile button

Amphetamine rehab

Recovery from prescription amphetamines, such as Modafinil or Ritalin, is possible with the right treatment plan.

Amphetamine rehab →

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Benzodiazepine rehab

If you have developed a need for the calming effects of benzodiazepines, such as Diazepam or Lorazepam, Oasis Runcorn can help you.

Benzodiazepine rehab →

Opioid tile button

Opioid rehab

Taking opioid painkillers for longer than prescribed can quickly lead to physical dependence, making prescription drug rehab essential.

Opioid rehab →

Sleeping pills tile button

Sleeping pills rehab

Otherwise known as “Z-drugs”, prescription sleeping pills also have the potential to be habit-forming and may require specialist help to quit.

Sleeping pills rehab →

Prescription drug rehab: when, where and why

The prospect of attending prescription drug rehab may feel daunting. It is common to have worries and anxieties about the process, but we are here to answer your questions and put your mind at ease.

When should I consider prescription drug rehab?

Reclaiming your life and overcoming prescription drug addiction starts with admitting there’s a problem. If you are concerned about your own prescription drug use but are unsure of when to seek help, take a moment to answer the following questions:

  • Has your use of prescription drugs escalated beyond the prescribed dosage or recommended duration?
  • Do you experience intense cravings or withdrawal symptoms when attempting to cut back or quit using prescription drugs?
  • Has your prescription drug use begun to interfere with your personal relationships, work or daily responsibilities?
  • Do you go “doctor shopping” or try to buy prescription drugs through illegitimate means?
  • Have you unsuccessfully tried to stop or control your drug use on your own?
  • Do you feel a loss of control over your drug use, using more than intended or for longer periods than planned?
  • Has your use of prescription drugs caused physical or mental health problems?
  • Have you withdrawn from activities or hobbies you once enjoyed in favour of taking prescription drugs?
  • Do you feel trapped and powerless, unable to envision a future free from prescription drugs?

If you have answered yes to one or more of these questions, prescription drugs are likely causing problems in your life. You don’t have to face these problems alone – prescription drug rehab can guide you through recovery and help you to achieve your goals.

Where should I attend prescription drug rehab?

The sea of information online can make your decision to attend rehab overwhelming. Choosing the right prescription drug rehab, however, is important – after all, your future relies on the effectiveness of the programme.

Some important things to look for in a prescription drug rehab centre include:

  • Is the centre experienced in substance use disorders, in particular, prescription drug addiction treatment?
  • Do they offer an assisted drug detox?
  • Are evidence-based treatments and therapies included in the treatment plan?
  • Does the rehab centre have qualified and skilled therapists?
  • Do they offer an aftercare programme?

Oasis Runcorn is proud to offer a comprehensive and effective programme that targets deep-rooted issues, co-occurring mental health disorders and emotional wounds that could be contributing to your drug use. With our assistance, you will be able to connect with your inner self and find healthier ways of coping away from prescription drugs.

Why is prescription drug rehab important?

Prescription drug rehab can help you put a stop to the downward spiral and prevent any further harm. Some of the benefits of prescription drug rehab include:

  • Immediate break in the cycle of abuse
  • A safe environment away from triggers and temptations
  • Opportunity to heal physically and mentally
  • Access to a supportive community
  • Provides education and opportunities to develop life skills
  • Allows you to build healthier relationships

Prescription drug rehab is not just about overcoming your physical dependence on drugs. It is a transformative journey that promotes personal growth in all areas of your life.

Prescription drug rehab at Oasis Runcorn

Our treatment programme takes a “mind, body and soul” approach when it comes to overcoming prescription drugs. First, physical dependence is broken through an assisted detox, expelling toxins from the bodily system and restoring the body to optimal function. During prescription drug detox, you may experience some unpleasant withdrawal symptoms, including:

  • Sweating and shivering
  • Headaches
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Muscle aches
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Agitation and mood swings
  • Insomnia
  • Inability to concentrate

Our medical staff will assist you as you battle withdrawal symptoms, ensuring you remain comfortable and, most importantly, safe. Alongside this, you will take part in various therapies, promoting psychological well-being, addressing internal issues and teaching vital coping skills. Some of the therapies offered at Oasis Runcorn include:

Our holistic plan also gives you the chance to nourish your soul through supportive activities, including yoga and meditation, gong baths, art therapy, self-worth workshops and walks in the park.

The truth about prescription drug rehab

There are many myths surrounding prescription drug rehab, and unfortunately these can prevent you from getting the help you need. It is important to separate fact from fiction and make informed choices when it comes to your recovery.

Myth: Rehab is not required for prescription drugs – it is only for illicit substances.

Fact: Our rehab centre provides the tools you need to overcome any addiction, from legal medications to illicit drugs to gambling, shopping or eating. At their core, all of these conditions are inherently similar. Oasis Runcorn has the expertise and knowledge to help you find freedom from prescription drugs.

Myth: Prescription drug rehab is only for people who lack willpower.

Fact: In fact, the opposite is true – it takes a great amount of courage and willpower to seek out rehab treatment. Struggling with prescription drugs does not come down to your moral character, but instead a complex interplay of genetic, psychological and environmental factors.

Myth: Once you have completed prescription drug rehab, you are cured.

Fact: Recovery is a life-long battle and one you must continue to work on after your rehab stay is complete. It will take dedication and continued hard work to maintain your sobriety, which is why Oasis Runcorn offers free aftercare for all of our clients.

Myth: Prescription drug rehab is only for the rich and famous.

Fact: While the cost of prescription drug rehab may be considered expensive, when compared to fueling a life-long habit, it is markedly the better choice. Many rehab centres also offer affordable payment plans and accept insurance – contact us to receive an individualised quote.

Are you ready to start your journey?

The path to recovery may seem daunting, but within that journey lies the opportunity for transformative, healing and growth. With a renewed sense of purpose, you will be able to discover enjoyable hobbies and activities, strengthen your relationships and improve your overall quality of life.

Are you ready to embrace positive change and begin prescription drug rehab? If so, our team can guide you towards a healthier, happier future.

Frequently asked questions

Is there a prescription drug rehab centre near me?
Oasis Runcorn is based in Runcorn, Cheshire. If this location does not suit you, UKAT is proud to offer high-quality services across the UK. You can take a look at our different treatment centres here.
How long does prescription drug rehab last?
Oasis Runcorn offers prescription drug treatment programmes ranging from two weeks to twelve weeks. The length of your stay is dependent on your individual needs and the severity of your drug use. A minimum of four weeks is usually recommended to our clients.
How can I ensure a successful prescription drug rehab?
To increase your chances of success, it is important to keep an open mind and commit to the process. You should make an effort to actively participate in all therapy sessions and treatments, continue with aftercare and surround yourself with a support network of friends, family and others in recovery.