This Page was last reviewed and changed on September 5th, 2023
Porn addiction
With explicit content just a few clicks away, porn addiction has become an increasingly prevalent problem in the UK. The uncontrollable compulsion to watch porn can lead to severe psychological and emotional consequences, hindering your ability to function in daily life.
Porn addiction silently affects countless individuals, but the very nature of this condition means that those suffering rarely get the help they need. Oasis Runcorn can help you break through the feelings of shame and guilt, providing a non-judgemental space for you to recover.
What is porn addiction?
Porn addiction refers to the inability to control or cease your consumption of pornography, despite any negative consequences. It is characterised by a compulsive and excessive use of pornographic materials, often leading to a range of detrimental side effects. Similar to other addictions, porn addiction involves a loss of control, increased tolerance and withdrawal symptoms when attempting to reduce or stop the behaviour.
Am I addicted to porn?
Recognising porn addiction symptoms can be challenging as individual thresholds can vary. For some, watching regular porn is normal and does not interfere with their wellbeing. For others, the compulsion to watch porn takes over and can have a huge impact on day-to-day life.
Some questions to ask yourself include:
- Do you find it difficult to resist the urge to watch porn?
- Do you spend an excessive amount of time seeking out, watching or fantasising about porn?
- Does your porn consumption interfere with your daily responsibilities?
- Have you neglected personal relationships or hobbies due to your porn consumption?
- Have you noticed a need for increasingly explicit or extreme content to achieve the same level of satisfaction?
- Do you experience feelings of guilt, shame or anxiety after watching porn?
- Do you feel restless or irritable when you cannot access pornographic material?
- Do you find it difficult to connect emotionally or physically with romantic partners due to your use of porn?
If you can relate to any of the above questions, it is likely that you are experiencing problems related to your porn consumption and may have a porn addiction.
What causes porn addiction?
Porn is at the tips of our fingers with access to it available with the click of a smartphone. The number of people suffering from porn addiction has increased as a result, but there are other risk factors that come into play.
You may be more susceptible to porn addiction if you:
- Suffer from mental health issues, including anxiety and depression
- Struggle to cope with stress or negative emotions
- Have experienced past trauma or sexual abuse
- Are experiencing relationship problems
- Have unrealistic views of sex
- Have an imbalance of brain chemicals
Porn can act as an outlet, enabling you to forget your problems with a quick dopamine fix. However, this can soon escalate, with any problems coming back tenfold.
The impact of porn addiction
Porn addiction can have far-reaching consequences in many areas of your life, including your health and wellbeing, your relationships and your career.
Health and wellbeing
The loss of control experienced with porn addiction can lead to feelings of overwhelming guilt and low self-esteem, especially if you perceive your porn use as morally or socially unacceptable. You may become isolated in a bid to hide your addiction, with the escalating loneliness only exacerbating your condition. Anxiety, depression and other mental health issues are common companions of porn addiction, leading to a decline in your overall quality of life.
Relationships are one of the most prominent areas affected by porn addiction. Excessive pornography use can shape your perception of sex and relationships, often leading to unrealistic expectations and distorted views of intimacy. This may result in dissatisfaction with real-life sexual encounters, objectification of partners and difficulties forming healthy emotional connections.
Work and career
Porn addiction can also heavily impact your work and career. You may find it challenging to concentrate on or complete tasks, resulting in decreased work performance. The excessive time spent on pornography can disrupt your daily routines, leading to neglect of responsibilities and obligations.
Treatment for porn addiction
The idea of inpatient rehab for porn addiction may feel a little nerve-wracking. However, Oasis Runcorn is a safe, nurturing and welcoming space. With our treatment programme, you will be able to dive into the underlying causes of your porn addiction free from judgement. Our therapist will guide you on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, helping you to heal from the inside out.
We do this through a comprehensive list of therapies, some of which include:
- Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT)
- Group therapy
- Family therapy
- Relapse prevention
- Mindfulness-based therapy
- Yoga and meditation
- Gong baths
As you begin to understand the causes of your porn addiction, you can work towards identifying triggers and implementing healthier coping mechanisms. We are proud to offer an environment where you can forget about the stigma attached to porn addiction and focus on your recovery.
Porn addiction is a largely psychological issue, so a physical detox is typically not required. You may, however, experience psychological withdrawal symptoms and our team will be able to support you through these initial changes.
Talking to a loved one about your porn addiction
Once you have acknowledged your problem with porn and would like to get help, how do you tell your partner or loved ones? This is a sensitive conversation and can feel extremely daunting, with the fear of judgement holding many people back from even attempting it. However, sharing this personal struggle with a loved one doesn’t have to be a negative experience.
Some things to consider before broaching the topic include:
- Prepare for the conversation: Take time to reflect on your porn addiction, how it has impacted your life and your reasons for seeking help. Some may find it easier to write everything down so that you can read to your loved one without forgetting any details.
- Choose the right time and place: Find a suitable time and place where you will have privacy, comfort and uninterrupted conversation.
- Be honest and open: Approach the conversation with honesty, transparency and a willingness to share your feelings and experiences. Let them know you need support and understanding without placing blame or guilt on your loved one.
- Provide information: Help your loved one understand the nature of porn addiction by providing educational resources. This can help to dispel misconceptions and promotes empathy and awareness.
- Listen and validate: Allow your loved one to express their thoughts, concerns and emotions openly. Listen attentively without becoming defensive or dismissive. Validate their feelings and reassure them that their support is crucial to your porn addiction recovery.
- Offer reassurance: Reassure your loved one that you are committed to overcoming your porn addiction and rebuilding a healthy life.
- Practise patience and understanding: Understand that your loved one may need time to process the information and their own emotions. Be patient and compassionate throughout the process.
Of course, it is difficult to predict how a loved one will react. If your initial conversation does not go as expected, try not to become disheartened. Remain open to ongoing dialogue and focus on your own healing journey.
Freedom from porn addiction
Suffering from porn addiction can feel like an affliction you cannot escape from, trapping you in cycles of harmful behaviour and leaving you feeling empty and alone. If you feel like a slave to your urges, Oasis Runcorn can offer you the helping hand you need to break free.
Finding freedom from porn addiction will lift the weight from your shoulders, allowing you to focus on your goals, repair relationships and enjoy life once more. Give our admissions team a call if you would like to begin your journey to wellness and recovery.