What Cocaine Addiction is Like

What Cocaine Addiction is Like

Cocaine is a drug that is regularly used and abused on the party scene because of how it makes the user feel – alert, confident, and basically on top of the world. However, because the effects of cocaine are short-lived, the user often feels a need to keep taking the drug to prevent the crashing comedown, which inevitably happens. This is risky because the more of the drug that is taken, the more likely it is that an addiction will develop. Those who have found themselves in the grip of such an illness have described what cocaine addiction is like. Many say that it is more of a psychological addiction than a physical one, but one that is extremely difficult to break free from nonetheless.

Are You Addicted to Cocaine?

It is a huge challenge to accept that you may be addicted to cocaine. In fact, as with most other types of addiction, you might be unable to see what is clear to everyone else. Denial is a common trait of the addict and it does not matter what anyone tells you, you will be unlikely to accept the truth of your situation until you realise for yourself that you have a problem.

Understanding that you do have an issue is the first step, but even when you conclude that you are an addict, you may not be ready to move on to the next step. Many affected individuals know deep down that they are addicts, but they are not ready to do anything about it. Nevertheless, until you are ready to accept you have an illness, you cannot even consider moving on to the next stage.

Your loved ones may have been expressing their concern at your behaviour in recent times and it is likely that you were not ready to listen. The fact that you are here now reading this article suggests that you may be at least someway receptive to the idea of help. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are you using more cocaine now than you did when you first started taking it?
  • Do you regularly use it for more than you had intended?
  • Have you tried to hide your cocaine use from loved ones?
  • Have you felt that you would like to cut back on your cocaine use?
  • Have you tried to quit cocaine without success?
  • Do you spend lots of time using cocaine?
  • Do you neglect spending time with your loved ones in favour of using cocaine?
  • Have your relationships with family members and friends been negatively affected by your cocaine use?
  • Have you taken extreme measures to fund your cocaine use? Have you stolen from family members and friends?
  • Have you taken unnecessary risks while under the influence of cocaine – i.e., have you operated heavy machinery or driven a car?
  • Do you continue to use cocaine even knowing that it will have negative consequences for you and your loved ones?

If you have answered yes to two or more of the above questions it is likely that you would benefit from a programme of detox and rehabilitation. If you are ready to get help, get in touch with us here at Oasis Recovery for help and advice.

Why Do People Use Cocaine?

There are many reasons people turn to cocaine. Some do so because of peer pressure while others see it as a natural progression after using other mood-altering chemicals.

Although much is known about what cocaine addiction is like, those who try the drug for the first time will usually be unprepared for how it makes them feel. Many of these individuals will get hooked after just one use because of how powerful and good it makes them feel. Others will simply want to avoid the comedown and will continue using the drug until there is none left.

Those who find themselves in the grip of addiction often get to a point where they cannot imagine their life without the drug. They will increase their use of it and will start to neglect their responsibilities. They might start missing work or avoid spending time with loved ones. It begins to consume them to the point that they absolutely must have it and nothing else matters.

Even when their life is spiralling out of control and everything seems to be crumbling around them, they will have to have the drug and will do almost anything to get it. If that includes stealing from family and friends, then so be it. Addicts often lose friendships and relationships with family members, and many of these relationships will be damaged beyond repair.

Using cocaine for the first time is risky; although there are some people who manage to use it recreationally without it affecting their daily life, there are some whose lives end up being completely destroyed by the drug. In extreme cases, a cocaine addict will lose everything because he or she is unable to quit using.

When thinking about what cocaine addiction is like, it is important to realise that it can ruin everything that you hold dear. The good news is that this is not the way the story has to end. Help is available, and it is possible to get clean and sober. Across the UK, dedicated and passionate individuals work in various organisations that provide help and treatment for all types of addiction. Accessing such a programme could help you to get your life back on track.

What is Cocaine Addiction Treatment Like?

As cocaine is a powerful, addictive substance that affects both the brain and the body, it is necessary to treat both the physical and the psychological addiction; there are two processes for this. A medical detox is used to address the physical addiction while rehabilitation deals with the psychological addiction.

To break the physical cycle of cocaine abuse, a detox is necessary. It is a natural process that begins when you stop taking cocaine. It is common to experience a range of withdrawal symptoms that typically begin around nine hours after the drug has been taken for the last time.

The withdrawal symptoms associated with a cocaine withdrawal are often referred to as the ‘post-cocaine crash’. You are likely to experience deep unhappiness and depression as well as other symptoms that include:

  • loss of appetite
  • agitation
  • intense cravings
  • fatigue

Cravings for cocaine are one of the biggest problems associated with this type of illness. They can continue sporadically for many months, and some people even find that they experience cravings years after getting sober, typically unexpectedly. It is important to have developed coping strategies for dealing with these cravings. This is something that will be addressed during a programme of rehabilitation.

It is possible to detox from cocaine at home, but it is not recommended. Cocaine is one of the hardest drug to break free from and many recovering addicts find that the intense cravings they experience will lead them straight back to the drug and a crippling addiction. It is far better to detox from cocaine in a supervised facility where there is no access to temptations.

Rehabilitation follows detox, and during such a programme, the psychological and emotional issues relating to the illness are addressed. Various therapies are used, particularly individual counselling, group therapy, and 12-step work.

The basic aim of rehabilitation is to find the cause of the illness and then develop ways of avoiding a return of the symptoms going forward. However, it is a lengthy process to get sober and it requires plenty of maintenance once rehab is complete.

In saying that, with the right programme of treatment, overcoming a cocaine addiction is entirely possible. Provided you have the right attitude and a willingness to work with your treatment provider, you can put your cocaine addiction behind you once and for all. Please call us today to find out more about overcoming a cocaine addiction.

We understand what cocaine addiction is like and we have the skills and experience to help you beat it for good. Call for more information about how Oasis Recovery can help you.