What happens to your body during cocaine detox?

What happens to your body during cocaine detox?

Cocaine detox is the first stage of breaking free from cocaine addiction. Detox is the process of eliminating the drug from the system, allowing the body to adjust to its absence. As the body begins this purge, individuals encounter various physical and psychological challenges known as withdrawal. While the journey through cocaine detox can be taxing, it is a pivotal step towards achieving sobriety and reclaiming your life.

Through understanding the intricate dynamics of cocaine detox, both the individual in recovery and their loved ones can better prepare for and navigate this crucial phase.


Cocaine’s interaction with the body and brain

Cocaine is a potent stimulant that primarily affects the brain’s reward pathways. Upon ingestion, it rapidly enters the bloodstream, crossing the blood-brain barrier and directly influencing neurotransmitter activity.

Neurotransmitter influence

One of cocaine’s primary actions is on the neurotransmitter dopamine. Cocaine prevents dopamine from being reabsorbed into nerve cells, leading to an accumulation of dopamine in the synapses or gaps between nerve cells. This results in heightened feelings of pleasure and increased energy – the characteristic “high” of cocaine use.

Brain structural changes

Prolonged cocaine use can lead to changes in brain structures, especially in areas associated with reward, stress and decision-making. These alterations can impact behaviour, making it harder for addicted individuals to resist the drug and increasing the risk of relapse.

Understanding these profound effects of cocaine explains why cocaine withdrawal can be so challenging. The brain ultimately becomes reliant on cocaine’s presence and protests enormously when it is taken away. This protest is cocaine withdrawal, and it lasts until the body’s natural equilibrium is restored.

Cocaine withdrawal explained

The journey of restoring natural equilibrium can be tumultuous. Cocaine withdrawal manifests in a series of physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms which can be incredibly uncomfortable and potentially even dangerous:

Physical cocaine withdrawal symptoms

  • Fatigue: The sudden drop in stimulation can leave individuals feeling extremely tired, contrasting sharply with the increased energy experienced during a cocaine high.
  • Increased appetite: As the stimulant effects wear off, there is a rebound effect where appetite returns, often stronger than before.
  • Restlessness and agitation: The body’s adjustment to the absence of cocaine can result in feelings of discomfort and unease.
  • Muscle pain: Muscle aches or pains can also emerge, which can be very uncomfortable without assistance.
  • Chills or tremors: Depending on the severity of the addiction and how abruptly cocaine use was stopped, some people may experience chills or tremors.

Psychological cocaine withdrawal symptoms

  • Depression and anxiety: The reduced levels of dopamine, along with other neurochemical imbalances created by cocaine use, can lead to feelings of depression and anxiety.
  • Vivid and unpleasant dreams: As the brain recalibrates, sleep patterns can be disrupted, resulting in vivid and sometimes distressing dreams.
  • Slowed thinking: The cognitive fog associated with cocaine withdrawal can make thinking clearly and making decisions more difficult.
  • Intense cravings: Perhaps one of the most challenging aspects of withdrawal is the intense desire to use cocaine again. This is the brain’s way of restoring what it sees as a ‘normal’ stimulation level.

The duration and intensity of cocaine withdrawal

Several factors, including the frequency of use, dosage, duration of addiction and individual physiology, influence the timeline for cocaine withdrawal. However, generally, the withdrawal timeline can be understood as follows:

  • First 1-3 days: This is the acute cocaine withdrawal phase and it is when most physical symptoms peak. A person may feel a significant drop in mood, experience fatigue and have increased cravings for cocaine. Sleep may also be disrupted and some may sleep more than usual due to exhaustion.
  • Days 4-7: Physical symptoms may start to subside, but the psychological effects become more pronounced. Depression, irritability and anhedonia (an inability to feel pleasure) are common. Cravings can remain intense and might even increase, posing a risk for relapse.
  • Week 2: By the second week, the acute physical symptoms usually diminish. However, psychological challenges persist. Mood swings, ongoing cravings, and disturbed sleep can continue along with a sense of emptiness or dissatisfaction.
  • Week 3-4: As the month progresses, the intensity of cravings will decrease with occasional spikes in cravings or mood disturbances. It is also during this period that some individuals might experience what’s known as “post-acute withdrawal syndrome” (PAWS), where symptoms reappear or intensify unexpectedly.
  • After a month: Most acute symptoms have subsided, but this doesn’t mean recovery is complete. The brain is still undergoing its healing process, and individuals may still have episodic cravings, especially when exposed to triggers.

Professional assistance and support

The unpredictability and potential severity of withdrawal symptoms highlight the necessity of seeking professional assistance during cocaine detox. The environment and medical supervision provided by professional detox and rehab centres, like UKAT, can make the process safer and more manageable, ensuring that individuals have the best chance for a lasting recovery.

Here’s why professional help is vital:

Medical monitoring

Cocaine withdrawal can sometimes present medical complications. In a professional detox centre, medical professionals can monitor vital signs, address any complications, and, if necessary, administer medication to alleviate severe cocaine withdrawal symptoms.


Cocaine cravings can be intense, and the risk of relapse is high, especially during the initial days of cocaine detox. Being in a controlled environment prevents access to the drug, ensuring the individual doesn’t succumb to the urge.

Psychological support

The mental and emotional challenges of cocaine withdrawal can be overwhelming. Therapists and counsellors are experts in offering therapeutic support and helping individuals navigate the mood swings, depression and anxiety that often accompany cocaine detox.

Holistic treatment

Many rehab centres, including UKAT, offer a holistic approach to recovery. This means that beyond just addressing the physical symptoms, we incorporate therapy sessions, group discussions and other holistic treatments like yoga and meditation to aid in overall recovery.

Peer support

Being surrounded by others going through a similar journey can be immensely reassuring. Sharing experiences, challenges, and milestones can foster community and mutual encouragement.

The journey to a new life

Cocaine detox is the doorway to a life free from the chains of addiction. By understanding the intricate processes the body and mind undergo during this phase, individuals can be better prepared to face the journey ahead. While the physical and psychological symptoms can be daunting, it is crucial to remember that they are temporary hurdles on the path to recovery. Seeking professional assistance ensures a safer, more structured and supportive cocaine detox experience. With the right support, guidance and determination, reclaiming a life free of cocaine’s grip becomes not just a possibility but a tangible reality.

Seeking treatment for cocaine addiction is not a sign of weakness; it is a proactive step towards reclaiming your life. UKAT prides itself on providing a compassionate, understanding environment where you can build the foundation for a drug-free future. Contact us today to begin your journey to a new life.